Detox Program in Evergreen

In today's world, there is an abundance of harmful pollutants infiltrating our soil, air, water, and food supply. Unfortunately, even though we live in Colorado, exposure to toxins is unavoidable in Evergreen. Over time, these chemicals from the environment along with poor lifestyle choices can build up in the body affecting your body's function and overall health.
Environmental Buildup in Evergreen
The first signs of this environmental buildup include lack of energy and feeling physically or mentally exhausted. The good news is that our body has a natural ability to remove these unwanted and harmful compounds.
The detox program at Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center enhances our body's natural metabolic detoxification process while providing adequate fuel for both cleansing and other daily activities. It also supports energy metabolism and overall well-being.
About Our Detox Program
This clinically designed, 10-day program includes a guide with easy instructions, menu plans, recipes, no calorie restrictions, and a low-allergy-potential food plan with a wide range of choices. Think of this detox as a "spring cleaning" or a tune-up to clear out some of the junk and get your body back to its peak cleansing performance again. Best of all, you can still enjoy a variety of solid foods without going hungry!
Let our team know if you are interested in removing these unwanted compounds to keep your body running and feeling its best.

Health and Harmony
Chiropractic and Wellness Center
1202 Bergen Parkway #102
Evergreen, CO 80439
(303) 670-1001